Hairstyles For Frizzy Hair

Hairstyles For Frizzy Hair

There are several hairstyles for frizzy hair. The important thing to remember when dealing with frizz is that frizzy hair is not a style by itself, it is actually a hair condition. The two main ways to deal with this hair condition are to eliminate it, or to utilize the frizz as part of a unique hairstyle. While straightening or taming your hair into a new look is fine there are several way to give in to the frizz and come out looking fabulous!

Hairstyles for frizzy hair can be created using layers, curling irons, ponytails, braids, or changed so that the frizz is treated in order to become part of a well kept coif. The first decision to make is to choose the manner in which you will enhance or control your frizz. A layered look can reduce overall thickness, which in turn will reduce the frizz effect. The addition of hairspray or gel can also reduce the frizz effect even further. It is also important to remember that frizzy hair is a condition that can be treated simply by maintaining proper moisture in your hair.

Hairstyles for Frizzy Hair

Hairstyles For Frizzy Hair

Braids and ponytails work well as hairstyles for frizzy hair fixes. With a little maintenance and preventative care hairstyles for frizzy hair you choose will remain beautiful and interesting.

If you want to go with a bold retro look, however, there is one style that can work even with the frizziest of hair. This style is the well known beehive. In order to acquire a beehive hairstyle you will need to have long hair. First you will create a ponytail then separate a two to three inch portion from the top of the ponytail and hold it up and away. Next brush your ponytail from the tip back down to your head. This causes your hair to poof a bit. Repeat this process with another three or four sections then gather each of these sections together to create a second ponytail. Now you’ll want to fold this ponytail over the top of your head and pin it to the crown area. This is the new base for your beehive.

Hairstyles For Frizzy Hair
Now to continue creating your beehive, brush more of the two to three inch portions from your first ponytail then begin to wrap them around your base pinning them back each time. Once the beehive has reached the size you want you can move on to using a curling iron on the rest of the remaining ponytail. You’ll wrap these around the beehive last while leaving a few curls at the edge of the hairdo for emphasis. The last step is to use hairspray on the end result in order to provide the best hold, then you’ll have the perfect beehive! So goodbye frizzy hair, you’ve just made a monument to how little it matters!
Hairstyles For Frizzy Hair
Frizzy hair styles are not that much different ultimately than the styles of hair than those who are blessed with non-frizzy hair use. With a little taming it can be used with any style.

Hairstyles for Frizzy Hair

Hairstyles For Frizzy Hair

Hairstyles For Frizzy Hair

Hairstyles For Frizzy Hair

Hairstyles For Frizzy Hair

Hairstyles For Frizzy Hair

Hairstyles For Frizzy Hair

Photos: Getty Images

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